“Waiting in Motion”

Waiting in Motion

I think we can all agree that waiting is hard to do, especially when you know that at the end of the waiting period is something exciting! There are many places in Scripture that instruct us to wait on God, be patient and He’ll give us all that we deserve and the greatest desires of our hearts.

“My soul is quiet and waits for God alone. My hope comes from Him.”

~Psalm 62:5 (NLV)

“I wait for the Lord. My soul waits and I hope in His Word. My soul waits for the Lord more than one who watches for the morning; yes, more than one who watches for the morning.”

~Psalm 130:5-6 (NLV)

“But as for me, I will watch for the Lord. I will wait for the God Who saves me. My God will hear me.”

~Micah 7:7 (NLV)

… and those are just a few of those “wait on God” references!

The one that is sticking with me though, is this one. It doesn’t specifically tell us to “wait,” but instead to “trust” and “delight” in the Lord. The Message translation even tells us to “Get insurance with God.”

“Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
 Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

~Psalm 37:3-4 (NKJV)

Three things come to mind that I want to touch on in this post. A couple of which Sammy Adebiyi brought up in the sermons I listened to last night. “The Bachelor and the Bachelorette Part 1: The Weight of the Wait” and “The Bachelor and the Bachelorette Part 2: What is Love?” (They can be found here: http://sammyadebiyi.com/audio-messages)

1) Waiting in motion-

“Trust in the Lord, and do good…” The Lord doesn’t want us to sit around and do nothing as we wait for Him to move in our lives. He wants us to be active as we wait. Get involved, volunteer, make connections with others. Sitting around in your pajamas, eating oreos and watching Netflix isn’t the best way to find the person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with! (I know the context of this Scripture has a much deeper meaning, but we can apply it to this too.)

2) Even Adam had to wait! (He also did so actively.)

Genesis 2:15-22- (NIV)

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam[a] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs[b]and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[c] He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.”

Adam had to keep busy while he waited for a helper. When the Lord realized that Adam hadn’t found one suitable from the animals, He put Adam to sleep and created Eve. More waiting! From the beginning of the human race, we’ve had to wait on God to put the right person in our lives. It may not be easy, but…

3) The wait is worth it!

One day, you’ll find someone who loves Jesus tons more than they love you, someone who will lift you up to God and support you in all of your life’s adventures. You’ll bring each other closer to Christ, love on His people, and make a difference in the lives of others. All because you waited on God to put the right person in your life! Wouldn’t it be so much better if when that right person comes into your life, it won’t be at a point when you’ve dated a ton of different people? Had your heart broken and repaired time and time again? Save yourself and your love, and sacrifices for the person God has saved for you!

“Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you your heart’s desires…”

Must Love Jesus

Lord, steady my heartthree strands

Keep me focused on You

As I long for the day

That I finally say “I do”


Prince Charming for some

God fearing for me

A man must love You

Before he gets down on one knee


When the timing is right

I’ll know he’s the one

When hand picked by You,

The bond won’t come undone.


~Amanda N. Sams

July 14, 2013

A Challenge for your Week!

letter-writing-pic As I laid in bed trying to fall asleep last night, I got to thinking about all of the incredible people the Lord has brought into my life. I’m sure anyone who reads this can find at least one person that makes your life happier, can always put a smile on your face, or would drop everything to help you in a time of need. Does that one person really know how much you appreciate their friendship? Have you told them lately what a blessing they’ve been to you? If not, let’s change that!

My challenge to you this week  is to take time to write someone a letter. Yes, that’s right, I said write… meaning pen and paper. Even if you don’t have their address, find a time that you could hand it to them. Whether it be your Mom, Dad, a former teacher, a pastor, you get the picture! Letter writing is becoming a lost art, and sometimes it’s a hand written letter that can mean the most to someone and we don’t even realize it. For someone to know that you were thinking about them and took the time out of your schedule to hand write them a thank you note, a simple note just to say hi, or a letter to let them know how they’ve impacted your life in a positive way, I’d imagine it’s a pretty good feeling! So this week, take a look at all of the wonderful people in your life and pick at least one to reach out to. I wrote a letter this morning and got it in the mail right away! I plan on writing a few more throughout the week as well! Let’s all take time to let our friends and loved ones know how much we appreciate their presence in our lives. If you think about someone while you’re busy and can’t take the time to write a letter, give them a call. Text messages are great for when you can’t be on the phone, but they’re so impersonal! Go the extra mile to reach out to someone meaningful in your life! Who’s on your heart this week?

Under the Blood

Under the Blood nothingbutthebloodofjesus


Under the blood

We’re free from sin

Jesus has cleansed us

From deep within


Under the blood

There’s nothing to fear

Our merciful Saviour

Will always be near


Under the blood

We’re shielded with grace

Through mistakes and imperfections

We need only to seek His face


Because of the blood

We need not fear death

Christ died for us

So with eternal life we could be blessed


~Amanda N. Sams

July 8, 2013

From Me, with Love

Dear Future Husband,

I’m writing to tell you that I pray about you every night, asking God to put you into my life when the timing is right.  Some days it’s really hard to wait for you as all of my friends are hanging out with significant others and so adorably in love with each other. I know you’re out there somewhere, when I find you I pray that you’ll be my first love and my last. I pray that you’ll love Jesus more than you love me, pray for me on my rough days, laugh with me as much as possible, and support me in whatever I do. I promise to do the same for you. I’ll always be there to support you, be loving, forgiving, and understanding. I pray that we will bring each other closer to God through our relationship with Him and with one another.

You should know that I’m a little crazy. I dance around the kitchen, make funny faces just because, and sing along to my favorite songs terribly. I think kisses on the forehead are the cutest thing, and watching movies snuggled on the couch means just as much to me as a fancy dinner out. My family means the world to me and then some, so moving away from them would only be possible if it was the Lord’s plan for us. Even then it would be incredibly difficult.

As for our wedding, I ask that we pray over our future before I walk down the aisle to meet you… no peaking of course! It would mean the world to me to get married in my home church and to have my pastor marry us.  I’ve saved myself for you completely, I pray that you have done the same for me. Every other girl dreams about a Prince Charming, I just want a man of God who will lift me up to the Father, be there to catch me when I fall, and agree to raise our children in a God fearing household no matter what this fallen world tries to throw at them. I know we’ll have ups and downs, but with God in the center of our marriage, we WILL make it through. I haven’t even met you yet and I already love you with all of my heart. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together glorifying the name of Jesus and loving on His people.

With Love,

Your Future Wife