Struggling Through Singleness 

I’m just going to start out by saying, my heart is in a weird place right now. It’s stuck somewhere between trying my best to be content waiting on God, and anxiously wanting so many things to happen at once. Lately, I’ve really been struggling with my season of singleness. I mean, to be quite honest, it’s not even a season. I’ve been single my entire life. I never did the whole “teenage dating scene.” I had my share of crushes in high school, but none of them ever went past the point of me liking a guy, and him not even knowing I existed. So, to say that my heart is getting to be a little impatient, is kind of an understatement.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for waiting on God and trusting in His timing, but sometimes I wish I could give Him a little nudge and get the ball rolling a little faster. The thing that makes waiting even harder, is thinking that you know who He has set aside for you. When you let your head and your heart get comfortable with the idea of spending the rest of your life with someone, and it just doesn’t go the way you want it to, it tends to throw you into a funk. As difficult as it may be, that’s when you have to remind yourself that God has His absolute best planned for you, and you just need to stay out of it and let Him work.

I guess the thing is, I’m almost twenty five years old. I have baby fever like crazy, and I’m beyond ready to find a sweet, man of God to marry and settle down with. I want nothing more in life than to be a wife and a Mom. I want someone to love unconditionally that I can spend the rest of my life with. Someone who is closer to God than he is to me, someone to help me raise our kids to love the Lord with their whole hearts. I’m just ready. I’ll keep on praying, hoping, and waiting until that man comes along, because I know that God’s plans are far better than anything I could ever imagine. Even when its a struggle, we need to learn to hang in there and wait on God.