Life is Precious

I’ve been really bad at keeping up with regular postings. Coming up with at least a post a week sounded like a good idea when I first created this! Clearly, I’ve slacked… a lot. Anyway, on to my real post…

Last week I lost a younger friend of mine to Lukemia, she was only 18. When I heard the news I felt terrible because I kept telling myself that I needed to make time to go visit her, whether it be in the hospital or at her house between hospital stays, I never made it. I had been back and forth between Michigan and Illinois and hadn’t realized how much her condition had caused her to go down hill, fast. I saw her at a band concert at my high school in October and maybe once after that before I headed to Illinois for a month, but that was the last time. Talented, full of life and a passion for music. My senior year, she was a freshman and she and I and another friend always joked that when we died, we were going to come back and haunt the band room. We practically LIVED down there practicing and enjoying each others’ company  Little did we realize, that one of us would begin her “haunting” spree sooner then we ever would have imagined. Jasmine, her talents, and her bubbly personality will be missed and definitely never forgotten. The Lord gained an incredibly talented musician in His heavenly orchestra May 2,2012.

Use this as a reminder, life is a precious gift that can be taken away unexpectedly. Never forget to tell the people around you how much you love them, care about them and appreciate their presence in your life. Procrastination is never good, but it’s especially bad when you’re dealing with human life, friendships, and those that you care about. Keep your friends and loved ones close to you as often as possible, if not all of the time. You never know when the Good Lord may call them home.